Somewhere, over the rainbow ... dreams really do come true.
Feb 01, 2024
The winter months can feel long and dark sometimes, and you might be in a place where you’ve got the glooms. It’s easy to get lost in a sense of fear when you focus on the darkness. But there is always, always hope.
Today is St Brigid’s Day – the beginning of spring. This is the halfway point between the longest night and the spring equinox. After a long winter, what better day to celebrate the promise of brighter things to come?
The rainbow has long been a symbol of hope. For as long as there has been light and water on this planet, there have been rainbows. And for as long as there have been rainbows, humans have been captivated by these ethereal bridges between heaven and earth.
Rainbows are symbols of hope, of better things to come after a period of difficulty. They symbolize diversity - bringing together different elements to produce something beautiful. Their beauty is in the diversity of their colours. Each component colour of the rainbow is present and familiar to us. And they symbolise the transient nature of beauty and life itself. We enjoy them fleetingly and then like whispers, they melt away.
Perhaps they represent a bridge from here to somewhere else, tantalisingly close but just beyond our reach.
Even after all my years on this planet I still get a little thrill when I see one. As children we delight in rainbows. I like to think that they never lose their magic and have the ability to delight us through all stages of our lives, stirring something in all of us.
I have created a special audio meditation – just for you – so that you can experience the magic of all of the colours of the rainbow. Just for 15 minutes, bathe your soul in my Rainbow Elixir for the Soul audio meditation on my YouTube channel. Notice how you feel before and afterwards. I’d love to hear what you think of it.
Your soul, and mine, will thank you for it.