About me

If you are in need of a little bit of magic in your life, then maybe I can help.

I am Jenny Wilson: language tutor, author, and travel guide for the soul. I am on a mission to make the world a better place, one step at a time. I am here to show you how you can transform your journey, rediscover the language of your soul and find out what your soul is yearning to tell you.

I am the author of:​

I am here to help

My online courses:Β 

are designed to help fellow adventurers, like you, listen to their souls and reach their full potential.​​

Born in Scotland, I spent many of my formative years reading, thinking about writing and writing. I wrote my first book, "The Adventures of Teddy", at the age of four. Only one copy was ever produced. My favourite colour is purple.​​

When you reconnect with your soul, you transform your journey. When you transform your journey, you rediscover the magic all around. We could all use a little extra magic in our lives right now, don't you think?​

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